"Still & Chill" Meditation Class
Mindfulness is a proven method for reducing stress and enriching our life experience. Join Jackie for a monthly mindfulness practice based on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction techniques originating from Buddhism and Yoga traditions. There will be teachings, space for group sharing, and guided instruction. Class is the 3rd Wednesday of the month, registration required at the link below.
Spirit Circle
During this group mediumship reading Jackie will start out with a short guided meditation, establish the Circle as a sacred space, connect to universal energy and then share messages from a loved one in Spirit that comes through for you. Held on the last Wednesday of the month, registration required at the link below.

Shut Up & Write
FREE EVENT for writers: Join this ONLINE writers group that meets every Friday at 11:30 AM CST. Jackie is a volunteer facilitator for Shut Up & Write. Writers of all types get together to write for an hour each week and support each other in the writing community. Registration is required at the link below.
Actually Writing Writer's Conference
A weekend getaway for writers November 1 - 3, 2024 held in Milwaukee WI. Escape the grind of daily life for a few days to write, write, and write some more! Check out the conference details and register at the link below.